Part memoir, part life lessons but ALL recipe book, this is a heartfelt, funny and passionate dive into the best mid-life crisis a man can have with stunning images taken by Matt himself. This book will give you a full belly and a full heart.

What is ‘Where The F*’ all about?

This food writing project is all about favourite produce, recipes and rituals around eating. It is a friendly journey sharing knowledge and experiences of taking the plunge into creating a real-life PUBLISHED BOOK. All set against the backdrop of a world plunged into pandemania. With a background in photography it really began as a food photography project, but soon panned out into the interesting waters of memoir. I take you on this rather amusing journey with me. I’m not sure about you, but had to use my (questionable at times) sense of humour in order to get by.

Chapters include:

Wild dining; which is all about disconnecting from the busy day to day world. It is about delicious food and beautiful locations with the option of lovely people. In an ideal world, wild dining is off the beaten track, away from pedestrians and into nature. I have long found wild dining is a wonderful way encourage positive mental health, which has helped me greatly.

Sharing; is all about people coming together talking about favourite foods, sharing dishes and recipes. Even just the term ‘sharing’ I find very warm and cuddly. I love talking about favourite foods and trying recommendations from passionate foodies. It is a beautiful way connect. I have even taken favourite family recipes from friends, adapted, recreated and they have become part of my own repertoire. Friends have been generous enough to allow me to share them with you. How very very wholesome.

Where The F* Is My Cocktail? Is my answer to: ‘are there any desserts?’ Having said how wholesome this book is, I found myself sharing a few interesting stories of I came across certain recipes. Do you remember when single people were encouraged to form bubbles? Well, as a single gay, I did just that. I don’t over share, but also don’t hold back. My proofreader described my approach as very fresh, with a sidenote of: my mum is going to be reading this!

'Hey Matt, when does your new dining table arrive?'

About me...

Where does one even begin? I shall keep it simple. Back in mid 2019, I won a ‘best photographer’ award covering Leicestershire and Rutland. At the time, my main business was photographing weddings. The win was all rather a lot to process, but what I took away from it was that people liked me and how I worked. Having never independently exhibited, it felt time to get creative on my own project. By the end of 2019, I had decided that my obsession with creating and snapping (on my phone) pics of my delicious dinners was a good place to focus. I loved the wholesome interactions it was generating on my social media.

It took me approximately 5 months to find ‘exactly the right solid wooden dining table’ in order to begin. In Feb/March 2020 I ordered the beast from a factory in Sheffield. Shortly after that the world was plunged into lockdown, my diary got cleared out and time magically appeared on my lap. Having this project to focus on saved my soul from being consumed by my tiny basement flat. The only question left to answer: ‘Where the f* is my dining table?’... Well, lovely people, it arrived mid-July, by which time my project was under way. The rest of the colourful story is in the delicious pages of the book it has taking me four and a half years to publish. Welcome to my f*ing dining table; make yourself comfortable, it is going to be a delicious ride!




The book is due to be shipped end of August 2024.

Order your copy today, it might be the best decision you've made all summer!